Understanding prostrate cancer warning signs is very important as nearly every man experience some type of prostrate problem during his lifetime. Enlargement of the prostate is commonly experienced by men after the age of forty-five. Although this may not be a problem in itself, it is uncomfortable and could potentially develop into more serious maladies.
Prostrate cancer begins when cells in the prostate grow in uncontrollable fashion and invade the surrounding tissues or even spread throughout the body. It is not surprising that prostrate cancer has become one of the major killers of men. Unfortunately, majority of men know little about the disease. It is also suggested that ethnicity is one of the factors that offers some differentiation, with black men the highest risk and Asian men the lowest.
Prostate Cancer Warning Signs
Some records:
It is possible to cure prostate cancer given the condition is detected in the early stages. One of the best things to do to promote good prostate health is to take a PSA (prostate specific antigen) test every year. The test involves simple procedures to check your prostate and you will be given recommendation if any condition is detected.
The test, however, cannot give you a comprehensive report on the prostate cancer detection. It is simply because prostate cancer symptoms are very difficult to detect. Many men do not even seek medical advice when the symptoms are present, partly because they are very similar to those of another disease: BPH or benign prostatic hypertrophy.
There are some prostrate cancer warning signs that are worth mentioning. They include:
- difficulty starting urination
- painful urination
- incomplete emptying of the bladder
- lower pressure of the urination stream
- frequent urination of small amounts
- pain during ejaculation
- blood in the urine
Treatment for prostate cancer patients has to be specific to the individual case. Doctors have to determine several decisive factors, such as general health condition, age, location of the tumor in the prostate, size of the tumor. The common option for treatment is surgery. However, the main operation, known as radial prostatectomy, is extremely tiring to the body, so the patient has to be in good health condition.
Getting a hormone therapy is also a common option. This treatment does not kill the cancer cells but it reduces the size of the prostate tumor of the majority of patients. Above all, it is important to pay attention to food that you consume. Recent research by the authoritative US National Cancer Institute revealed that men who consumed more than 1/3rd of an ounce of onions, scallions, garlic, chives per day were much less likely to have prostate cancer.